[s-cars] Can you hook up a Phatnoise to an urS4?

Jack Gagnon bullitt at gwi.net
Tue Jun 27 18:24:35 EDT 2006

Do like I did.

1. Abandon cd changer after several failed.

2. Get a High Capacity iPod and a Monster Cable charger/FM transmitter and
enjoy.  Spend the money to get a good charger/FM transmitter (most suck) and
the quality is good.

The Good:

	-almost unlimited storage
	-iPod is always charged and ready to go anywhere anytime
	-Can take system into any car without hassles.
	-iSkin (brand) silicone rubber case fits under ash tray, is easy to get to
and does not move around in high G maneuvers
	-Black iSkin cover matches my interior
	-Red indicator lights on Monster Cable matches red instrument and dash
lights of the Audi
	-Can hook up other peoples iPods on road trips etc
	-iPod can be used a lot of other places (skiing, Cycling etc)
	-Bose head unit FM radio does not usually fail and are available used
	-Itunes can be hooked up to home stereo

The Bad:

	-cords are a bit messy, but are manageable.
	-Small screen and menu navigation makes it very hard to select music while
	-stock bose speaker amplifiers sometimes fry themselves making your car
stink (you can find used amps if you try)
	-Cost is about $400-$500 depending on the capacity and model

I am too lazy to set up play lists so I mostly use the shuffle feature.	The
shuffle feature is great for me, I have over 5000 songs on the iPod, and I
get to hear stuff I never knew I had! I do fast foward a lot though.

Highly recommended!


-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of docwyte at comcast.net
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:41 PM
To: Steve Powers
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Can you hook up a Phatnoise to an urS4?

Really?  Bummer.  Anyone have an original cd changer in working condition
for cheap?  Need it for a '93 S4...

Don't want to put a ton o cash into the car, once I get it home I'll most
likely remove the stock head unit in favor of a MP3 player with XM...

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Steve Powers" <sbpowers at gmail.com>

> the instructions in the archive state that a Concert I radio is
> required. I put a PhatBox into our urS6 but had to purchase a new (to
> me) radio. eBay has them - they're pretty cheap.
> Steve
> On 6/26/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
> > Can you connect a Phatnoise to the stock Bose cd changer cable like the
> VW/Audi's?
> >
> > Have one sitting in a box that I'd love to put in the car...
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