[s-cars] ALMS @ LRP 7/1

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 28 14:11:27 EDT 2006

 On the grassy noll....absolutley.
90 80q 20vt stroker project
90 v8q 3.6 not stock
93 v9q "The Green Monster"

Morning gentz-

I know Jeff LaBombard surfaced recently inquiring who
else might be
attending ALMS @ LRP this Sat.  At the time I was
still unconfirmed, 
I scored a bunch of tickets and will be going with my
buddy Jimmy, Bob
D'Amato, and Dave Brown, and allegedly some dolt name
Pizzo or 
might join us.  

Gawd I love free tickets.

Anyone else here going?

We typically set up chairs / blanket on hill in esses
in front of food
stand about 1/2 way down toward track.  Aiming to be
there maybe 9:30-2

See you there?  I'll be trading WOT calls with Domo
Oregato Mr. Rossato
while he's out @ Indy GP with Senor Platt.  Sweet.

Jeff?  Be good to meet you since you never //SFest heh
heh.  Maybe 
see you this year...  ooooops...  was that out loud? 

-Paul 8/26 K.
CT home of LRP - and 'Coventry'
'95 //S6 160k with like mods and stuff - plus 4 new
tires, 5 new coils,
2 new PS hoses, impending tbelt job extravaganza (CPS
/ pulley / seal /
etc.) *** officially poising for post //SFest sale ***
parties inquire within for advanced prescreening

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