[s-cars] bulb question

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Jun 29 13:01:58 EDT 2006

No, not stupid at all, since they are not very common bulbs.  They  
are HIR bulbs in
9011 and 9012 sizes.  <www.danielsternlighting.com> ran a group buy a  
couple of
years ago, so he can probably provide them.  Lots of good info on his  
site anyway.

Your local Viper dealer is another source, but take lots of cash.


Original message:
> Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 18:55:10 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Paul DAnneo <padanneo at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [s-cars] stupid bulb question
> To: S-CAR-List <S-CAR-List at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <20060629015510.83873.qmail at web82413.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi All,
>   I've searched the archives, but I must be lame. I can't seem to  
> find some lighting info I'd like to have.
>   I know there has been several discussions on replacement  
> headlight bulbs for our S-cars.
>   There was mention of a different, brighter bulb for the low beams  
> that involved some trimming to fit, but not a complete wiring  
> harness. And won't melt the switch.
>   Could someone inform my "lame archive searching butt" of the bulb #.
>   Please...
>   Thanks,
>   Paul
>   Still searching for the light


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