[s-cars] Group Buy Euro S6 & S4 Lens ***Update****
auctionpics at cox.net
auctionpics at cox.net
Thu Jun 29 16:57:44 EDT 2006
Ok i just got off the phone and it looks like the lens deal is just
about done,
he's going to check with the Hella salesman and see if we can do any
better with price (he's not made any promises but we can cross the
fingers and hope).
as of now the pricing is as follows:
S6 Euro Lens Pair:$87
S4 Euro Lens Pair:$93
S6 Euro Lens HID Pair:$225
Again all prices are WITHOUT shipping,
shipping should be around $10 give
or take
lastly this is not set in stone and from my list its 18 Sets of S6 plus
8 more people asking if they can get HID, but seeing the price im not
sure if they all will just go with straight S6 which would bring the
total to 26 S6
as far as S4 goes we have 12
if anyone is left off the list or would like to be added just drop me an
i hope the numbers make everyone happy, dave
auctionpics at cox.net David S6
robert at s-cars.org Robert S6
alabonite at hotmail.com Alvin S6
stott at gwi.net Stott S6
93urs4 at rovershack.com James S6
cello at adelphia.net Paul S6 (Would Like HID)
jpburns3 at gmail.com John S6
smarinello at entouch.net Steve S6
Odyrestorations at aol.com Tom S6
urs6turbo at yahoo.ca Graham S6 (Would Like HID)
seanupchurch at earthlink.net Sean S6
dlandaeta at gmail.com Douglas S6
jenrob at mchsi.com Rob S6
mark.pollan at verizonbusiness.com Mark S6
gcmschemist at gmail.com Eric S6
larrycleung at gmail.com S6 (Would Like HID)
mark.pollan at verizonbusiness.com Mark S6
rainspec at gmail.com Forrest S6
gcmschemist at gmail.com Robert S6
dgray.bos at gmail.com Douglas S6
zwoobah at hotmail.com Chris S6
nard1 at cablespeed.com Tim S6 (Would Like HID)
trgreen at comcast.net Tom S6 (Would Like HID)
jerryscott at wispertel.net Jerry S4
tim.dahm at gmail.com Tim S4
marc at frogville.net Marc S4
bobfrizzell at shaw.ca Bob S4
tsidders at wi.rr.com Tim S4
leonar57 at msu.edu Daniel S4
jerryscott at wispertel.net Jerry S4
eric16v at gmail.com Eric S4
urdrquattro at yahoo.com Mike S4
marc at frogville.net Marc S4
tsidders at wi.rr.com Tim S4
yumyjager at gmail.com Emre S4
Mtgadbois at aol.com Mark Ask For HID
KBATPO at comcast.net Igor Ask For HID
r0ssat0_987 at att.net Robert Ask For HID
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