[s-cars] Tired and Frustrated

Kevin Barnett bluevr6 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 30 07:46:05 EDT 2006

Ok, so for 6 months, I have been dealing with poor
running condition.

Current behavior: At anything other than WOT, car
pulls fine and revs to redline with power. At WOT,
miss above 4000 rpm.  Also regardless of throttle
position, there is a stumble at 2000 rpm

Spark plugs
plug boots
bypass valve
(all the timing belt stuff)
Engine speed sensor
Fuel filter

Tested with known good:
Stock computer
PSO / POS's off good running car
entire coil rack off good running car
MAF (with new one)
Intake air charge sensor
throttle position sensor

Have fixed:
Several vacumn leaks
replaced most hose clamps with Breeze Clamps

Car currently equipped:
IA Stage 3+ (chips + 3.0 bar pressure tranducer)
Hoppen upgraded hoses
Stratmosphere Bypass valve

all boost and vacumn hose clamps for tightness (both
cold and hot)
moisture trap (bone dry)
Boost and vacumn with mechanical guage
computer codes (none)
Fuel pressure (within spec)

Cleaned out:
Throttle body
hoses (including cross over tube)

Turbo has little to no shaft play.
Fine film of oil on cold side.

What do I need to be looking at for high RPM miss if
not ignition or fuel supply?

Anybody in North Cackalacki got a Mity-Vac I can


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