[s-cars] Tired and Frustrated

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Fri Jun 30 10:35:38 EDT 2006

Hmmm...  It sure sounds like you've covered just about everything, 
Kevin.  The symptoms sound to me like a weak spark at 
WOT.  But...   My first suggestion would have ben a weakening coil in 
the coil pack but you seem to have pretty well ruled that out.  How 
about a poor ground somewhere in the ignition circuit, possibly even 
poor grounding of the engine?  (BTW, any idea how this is done - not me?)

Happens only at WOT, huh?  What is the condition of the WOT switch at 
the throttlebody?  Could the switch not be alerting the ECU to the 
fact that the throttle is at WOT?  Possibly there is a break in that 
connection somewhere between the WOT switch and the ECU?

Possible knock sensor problem as suggested by Elijah?  From personal 
experience when the knock sensors detect noise which it interprets as 
knocking the ECU's remedy is to immediately dial back the 
timing.  This feels like some little guy in there opens his switch 
and turns the power off.  The engine still runs fine and there is no 
miss but the power just instantly goes away.  Let off the loud pedal 
and then get back on it and the little guy closes his switch and 
you're pulling again.  Unless I'm misunderstanding your description 
that doesn't sound to me like your problem.

This is intriguing - please keep us in the loop as your work on and 
when/if you resolve the problem.

At 08:45 AM 6/30/2006, elijahallen92 at aol.com wrote:
>  I have been experiancing a very similar condition and have also 
> replace near everything. Mine is more of a stumble than a miss but 
> is only at WOT and only does it once the car is warmed up all the 
> way. The one thing I still need to change is the Knock sensors. 
> I'll let you know if this helps. Please let me know if you find 
> anything as well.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin Barnett <bluevr6 at yahoo.com>
>To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>; Jason Mawhinney 
><jamawhinney at yahoo.com>; Lance Russell <awdfast at earthlink.net>; 
>quattroPreservationSociety at yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:46:05 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: [s-cars] Tired and Frustrated
>Ok, so for 6 months, I have been dealing with poor
>running condition.
>Current behavior: At anything other than WOT, car
>pulls fine and revs to redline with power. At WOT,
>miss above 4000 rpm.  Also regardless of throttle
>position, there is a stumble at 2000 rpm
>Spark plugs
>plug boots
>bypass valve
>(all the timing belt stuff)
>Engine speed sensor
>Fuel filter
>Tested with known good:
>Stock computer
>PSO / POS's off good running car
>entire coil rack off good running car
>MAF (with new one)
>Intake air charge sensor
>throttle position sensor
>Have fixed:
>Several vacumn leaks
>replaced most hose clamps with Breeze Clamps
>Car currently equipped:
>IA Stage 3+ (chips + 3.0 bar pressure tranducer)
>Hoppen upgraded hoses
>Stratmosphere Bypass valve
>all boost and vacumn hose clamps for tightness (both
>cold and hot)
>moisture trap (bone dry)
>Boost and vacumn with mechanical guage
>computer codes (none)
>Fuel pressure (within spec)
>Cleaned out:
>Throttle body
>hoses (including cross over tube)
>Turbo has little to no shaft play.
>Fine film of oil on cold side.
>What do I need to be looking at for high RPM miss if
>not ignition or fuel supply?
>Anybody in North Cackalacki got a Mity-Vac I can
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