[s-cars] Cheap/effective FMIC option

Brian Powell powellb at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 00:53:26 EST 2006

> IC  $189
> Piping: $70
> 2 Silicon connectors: $66
> Total: $325 plus shipping.

> This is by far the least expensive proven performer.  You just have to be willing to do
> some work on your own.

Before I left for CA, I (along with a tremendous effort and work of
Chip Ellis--Thanks!) installed the Dawson Inter-Cooler Kit (fun
acronym for all). It is an excellent setup. I was able to do it
without touching the bumper, but it did require a great deal of TIG
welding on Chip's part.

I have pictures and I need to do my writeup; however, I am sitting
here in Santa Cruz amongst a pile of boxes and furniture (of course,
the first step was to get internet hooked up
before unpacking).

So, in a week or so after my life begins to resemble some normalcy,
I'll post to the list. Dave was a great help and inspiration in this
whole thing. In fact, Pizzo offered suggestions during one cold
morning of fitting (of course, he had a beer in hand). I even learned
about family owned "construction" businesses in NY.

Anyhow, for someone with the ability to do their own construction,
some free time on their hands, etc., you can make an excellent IC
setup for under $400. Give me some time and I'll have a writeup for


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