[s-cars] FMIC revisited

mlp on D530 mlped at qwest.net
Fri Mar 3 08:50:36 EST 2006

Tony, I am going to check with Pizzo as soon as his "construction" company
gets done filling one of those little basements they specialize in in
Brooklyn.  I think Pizzo is going to confirm that it (the FMIC) is only
really need under cool neotropical temperatures.

Hummmmm, not sure how the "under" got pushed passed the "cool" in the
preceding sentence, but I' confident it more politically correct.  I suppose
it could have something to do with the down-under effect on counter rotating
coriolis effects often observed after flushing **  :-)   Otherwise, how are
things hanging down there in Brisbane, or is it Melbourne?

As for your last real question, I'd ask "How hot does it get in Brisbane and
how fast do you want to go?"

My take on it, FWLIMW, Audi probably has done a very, very good job in
sizing the OEM product & parts for OEM levels of boost etc under a very wide
range of operating conditions, including high ambient temperatures .... but,
if you do want to turn up the boost, a bigger (don't know about all the
other cores, but certainly Hap's type) more efficient IC is going to give
you more of a safety margin against detonation etc. if you do turn the boost
up a bit, .... but then again what are knock sensors for anyway?  


>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Tony Guttmann
>"After my first pull" raises the question--does one need a FMIC for
>normal (in the sense of UrS4 normal) road use?

** Please note, the above comments of the author, and musing as to the
import, effects and values of sporting a LARGE, the VL (for very large)
shinny FMIC, other than its obvious biological and evolutionary display
values of attracting a mate*** etc., and, admittedly less than sensitive
comments about could simply be the product of:
1. 	"Bad Coriolis" effect see,
2.	Having daughter watching too many Dame Edna videos
3.	Over sensitivity to the recent spate of Sheep men, Wyoming &/or
Australian and New Zealand jokes brought about by the recent "Broke Back
Mountain" release, or.... 
4. 	Probably just the side effects of having been left outside on the
ice at high northern latitudes above the artic circle for too long. 

By the way, SpellCheck can't find "neotropical" in its lexicon.  It wants to
use "geotropically" but then that wouldn't make sense?  Hey, Baloney the
weekend's about to begin!  Where's the Friday flicks?

*** PPS ~ On a purely personal note, mine's not doing so well in that regard
since I had it anodized flat black.  Should'a stuck with the Bling!

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