[s-cars] Fuel Pump Replacement Procedure

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Sat Mar 4 20:40:31 EST 2006

Mark:  I am sure you remember how to siphon gas from when you were a
delinquent punk.

If not, that annoying Canadian Tire guy with the beard and glasses has one of
those pumpy siphony things in the store with your name on it.

Could be worse.  Could have been on the 401 somewhere in a blizzard.

Which is why I say, change your fuel pumps, boys.  Don't let your car control
YOU. Control IT. (or HER, the bitch goddess)

Dave F.

Mark Strangways wrote:

> Well, it's all very funny.. I filled it up just prior to this happening
> With 94 of course.
> Mark

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