[s-cars] ABS light on

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 13:26:13 EST 2006


Couldn't you swap your ABS module with somebody else's module
(temporarily) to confirm if this is in fact the problem? 

It is mounted under the rear seat and is easyily accessed right?

just pondering

--- ROBIN STODDARD <rstoddard at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Hey Elijah,
> I have a similar issue with my car's ABS system.  The system in my
> car will shut itself down every now and then for no apparent reason. 
> It never shuts down while I am driving the car; it will only shutdown
> if I have been driving, shut the car off and then start it again.  It
> wil only reset itself (sometimes) if the car has completely cooled
> down overnight.  The causes of why my system shuts down seems to be
> related to excesive heat under the hood.  Which causes the system to
> "think" that it is overheating and so it shuts down.  I have gone
> through and cleaned all of the wheel sensors and checked the system
> out mechanically, which leads me to believe that the problem is
> electrical.
> I had the system completely checked out by an Audi mechanic and even
> though they saw the problem, they could see no reason mechanically
> and there were no codes for them to track down the issue.  Their
> conclusion was that the ABS module (under the rear seat) was
> malfunctioning and that replacing it "may" be the solution.  I have
> decided to not deal with the issue as during the winter months I
> prefer not having ABS active and I can live without ABS.  Plus a new
> module from the dealer will cost me about $1,200 Cdn, yet another
> reason why I can deal without it.
> Good luck
> Robin  
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: elijahallen92 at aol.com
> Date: Friday, March 10, 2006 6:21 am
> Subject: [s-cars] ABS light on
> > What causes this? Any BTDT's? Thanks,
> > 
> > Elijah
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