[s-cars] UrS4 replacement - 2003 A6 2.7T ?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 21:12:10 EST 2006

Really nice car, most of the "issues" relating to the S4tt are the same in
the A6 2.7T
and allroad. That said, the '03 is the 2nd-to-last year, so a lot of bugs
have been worked
out by then. Nice thing about the A6 is that it's less likely to have been
beaten to death
by some abusive driver than a S4tt.

Interior is absolutely fantastic in the car with the exception of the
peeling issue on the
"soft touch" plastics- the headlamp knob, the door handle and door latch
areas and the
radio surround in the dash. IMHO, the seats in the C5 A6 are nowhere near as
nice as
the seats in the C4 chassis s-cars.

If everything checks out, the only things I'd do right away are aftermarket
diverter valves, Samco boost hoses. I'd personally want to get RS4 turbos
just for the extra
margin of durability, but that's a job that involves pulling the engine and
gets really pricey.

Can be tuned to approx. 420hp relatively easily. Needs better brakes if you
increase the power
and run it hard. Needs better intercooling for heat soak prevention.
Definitely undertired stock
and suspension rolls and bobs too much. Just my $0.02


On 3/18/06, Joe Petersack <joe at kansack.com> wrote:
> I have located a 2003  A6 2.7T with manual transmission and sport
> seats in excellent shape and at a very good price.  Anyone have
> experience with this engine and model year?  My S4 has 130K  miles on
> it  now.
> Joe
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