[s-cars] Double the trouble, double the fun...

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sun Mar 19 23:16:17 EST 2006


Mea Culpa   :-(
Actually, decorating basements I can believe, but saving and  
restoring is a stretch.  :-)  With notable exceptions, that is.
Any hope for this tail light GB ?


> Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 17:58:36 -0700
> From: "Dave Forgie" <forgied at ae.ca>
> Subject: [s-cars]  Double the trouble, double the fun...
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Cc: tgreen at comcast.net
> Message-ID: <s41c4a6e.010 at mail.ae.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Tom:  You have it completely wrong.  We are preserving cars out  
> here NOT dismantling (our) cars.  The cars that Gabriel (the  
> "Wrench") Caldwell has parted have come from the States (Missouri,  
> eastern Seaboard, Washington state) and in fact have never even  
> crossed the border into Canada.  Okay, I lie "Crispy ChickAAN",  
> i.e. a pearl 93 S4 that had a battery fire was actually "restored"  
> and imported as a driver and now lives a happy life in Vancouver.
> So really, your thoughts are off the mark.  This is more like a  
> retirement home for S-cars where we save them from the ravenges of  
> salt and provide them with a new lease on life by replacing their  
> worn out parts with say, new turbos and injectors, etc. so they can  
> go on for another 100,000 miles.
> ;>)
> Dave F.
> Tom Green suggested:
> Dave,
> I would not have thought you would be one to post to the list without
> reading what is already there.  The trouble with exporting to B.C. is
> they tend to
> use them up in short order and then export them to the States piece
> by piece.  :-)
> Tom

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