[s-cars] Flushing hydraulic system; now: onto the pavement; now: brain leak
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon Mar 20 11:26:05 EST 2006
Dear Cerebral Excretion / Elise Flogger:
<<<Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 20:48:11 -0600
From: "bill mahoney" <airbil at gmail.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Flushing hydraulic system; now: onto the pavement
Oh yeah idiot oh idiot oh idiot I am once again.
Perfectly planned jhose install went perfectly for me today ...
finally.. until the test drive because idiot stupid me forgot to
tighten the seated fittings on each end. Made for a real nice trail
up n down the driveway.
BTW did you know that potting soil is a good substute fluid sucker
upper for when you're out of kittylitter?
And I thought I had so perfectly used my cleverly allocated my last
1.5 liter Pentosin reserve.
I did manage to do the new snub mount whilst there and that sucker
will be tight though I haven't tested yet since sealing my driveway
with pentosin.
Thanks to... mmmmm..well I forget... could be jamu or fred munro for
the idea to add another snub mount layer with one end of the old
intake hose. Zeer dank!
then then to add insult to injury; my Clueless Racing neighbor shows
up in his new, 3200 miles, tornado red Lotus Elise. Oh baby this is
like a cnc'd piece of metal with four wheels and a motor.
A big go kart. No friggin frilly frill anything; not even a spring in
the seats.
Yes he let me take a 30 minute test drive which turned every I mean
every head we encountered.
The full pull up to eight K allowed the vario valve timing experience
to kick in. Sweet!
He'll park this down at his pals; "no job bob" aka "fireball bob's"
new 4000' paddock garage and play area at Autobahn Country Club.
I'll just live with my 11 year old hydraulic leaking daily race car.
Bill~brain leak~M>>>
Ah Bill... it's things like this that I always say make me feel
soooooooo much better in my idiotdom. Like when Rossato f's something
up heh heh. Even the infallible are fallible 8-). Bob's coined the apt
phrase of having not the "Midas (gold) Touch" but nope rather the "Fecal
Touch". Love it, BTDT, will continue. D'oh.
Smooth move exlax.
Nice score on the Elise head-turn seat time experience extravaganza. Is
there anyyyyy other kind? Best is it 'twas not the "normal" kind of
"turnz headz dood" kind of head turning propensity oh yes oh my, this I
just know. More like the intake snortin tire squealin yee haa'in hear
they come hide your women and children kind uh huh. Sweet. You rule.
Keep up the dumb work out there Chiefy. Report back with pics of you
WOT'ing said Elise sideways around ACC wouldya? I'll trade you with my
<<<hopeful>>> 4/1 pics of either GT3 or 996tt Lime Rock Park PCAschool
pics. What else are good friends for than to share their POS's with you
roundy the track I ask? This I cannot wait for no. Out of body
experience - hopefully not out of track experience tho.
-Paul f's things up / it's hopefully 996 WOT time K.
ps. MMmmm. 11 year old daily race car... yes.
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