[s-cars] 3071 turbo & Pastore RS2 code question

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 21:15:38 EST 2006

Use a manual boost controller installed in line with the N75 to turn boost
down to about 24psi.

It's going past 30?

On 3/20/06, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gentz,
> Garret 3071 turbo install is complete, but alas the tech thinks it is
> overboosting, we'll know for sure tomorrow when a boost gauge gets
> installed. I suppose it's a possibility there is a coil too weak for
> the new improved boost.
> Current tech specs of the patient:
> 93 S4, ~ 248,000 miles
> RS2 injectors
> RS2 Exhaust Manifold
> Garret 3071 turbo with the 63 and javad's UrS4 lines/maf hose
> 034motorsport's 1.9 bar wastegate spring
> Pastore's RS2 code
> Information I am looking for is twofold:
> 1. What is the Pastore RS2 code supposed to allow the turbo to boost
> to?
> 2. What is the preffered code for use with the 3071 turbo?
> 3. Any suggested changes?
> I plan on taking the stock wastegate spring down to see if that makes
> a difference, might as well rule that out.
> Thanks
> Chris
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