[s-cars] Audi files available for download

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 20 22:39:30 EST 2006

Dave, Dave, and everyone else;

The files titled:

Have been emailed to the S car list yahoo email account and uploaded to
my FTP server. 

You can download them by going to yahoo and logging in as:

User ID  - urs4audi
password - scarmail

There will be 2 messages with the follow subject lines:


I have also uploaded these to my FTP server and will be copying all of
the Audi files I have over to it soon. If you are familiar with FTP
servers and want to download it from there the server info is:

address - ftp://silverado.no-ip.info

Log in ID is - slippery
password is  - slope


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