[s-cars] 3071 turbo & Pastore RS2 code question

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 13:57:52 EST 2006

I've run Bob's RS2 software (as has he) with no pinging on 93 octane.

Don't blame the software just because you can't get decent gas like us

On 3/21/06, Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca> wrote:
> Dave:  I know Uncle  Bob didn't actually write the code.  I also "know"
> (believe) the two chips were not originally developed as a pair but have
> been "married" from two sources, e.g. MTM and Thomas Schmalz.   But
> that is not the point.  The point is the software is fairly aggressive
> timing
> and boost-wise, e.g. 317 whp running 10L toluene with 70 L of 94 with an
> RS2 turbo and injectors = about 396 crank hp from one of our club cars.
> Put this together with the 1.9L WG spring and an engine with 248,000
> miles and I still contend its a receipe for a "bomb"/grenade.  As I
> suggested, either the "Pastore" software and a stock WG spring (which
> you agreed with) OR the MRC software and the 1.9 bar WG spring BUT
> NOT the "Pastore" software AND the 1.9 bar WG spring.
> And on the issue of pinging, I bet none of the long-term users of the
> "Pastore" software live at sea level like we do.  The combination of
> aggressive timing, etc. and dense air just doesn't work as well as other
> places in North America and results in lean air fuel ratios that cause
> pinging at WOT. That's just a fact, not speculation.
> Cut the red wire.
> Dave F.
> >>> <djdawson2 at aol.com> 03/20/06 06:24PM >>>
> Just to make sure we've got our facts straight...
> "Pastore" software was designed by some of the best Audi tuners there
> are.. not by Bob.  It was not put together by hacks.  Bomb... no.  Some have
> experieced pinging, and others have run it for a long time with NO
> issues.  I ran that same software with both a GT30R, and a GT3071.  Both
> worked fine.
> I would not suggest you use a stiffer WG spring.  That is certainly not
> needed.
> The fact that you're bolting this stuff on an engine with 248k on the
> clock... well, that seems a bit risky.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca>
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 18:02:12 -0700
> Subject: [s-cars] 3071 turbo & Pastore RS2 code question
> Your combination of Pastore software and the 1.9 bar spring is like
> lighting the fuse on a bomb and waiting for it to blow up.  And your bomb
> has 248,000 miles on its precious old clock.
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