[s-cars] The front brake upgrade grinds forward...rotors???

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 20:25:52 EST 2006

Now I'm running up against yet another potential hassle.

323x30 rotors that are plated and slotted.  OK, I've heard the
arguments on that, but let's just imagine - if I were to get a set of
OEM rotors, are there places out there that will do a good job plating
and slotting them?  I mean, I can get plain rotors lots of places.

I haven't looked for places that do such things, but I am ASSuming they exist...

Yes?  No?


P.S.  This is my back-up plan, right now.  Porsche rotors and hats to
make them work on my car are first choice.

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