[s-cars] The front brake upgrade grinds forward

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 23 14:28:17 EST 2006


have you tried searching the archives with google?  use
advanced search, and specify the domain to search:

i do this often enough that i have my browser set to prefill the
s-car-list address in the domain field.


--- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:

> Taka
> Thanks for the advice.  I actually have searched the, errr, fabulous,
> archives, and the info often leads to dead ends or pages no longer
> available.  The archives can be a pain to search efficiently, and
> there are rememdies for this.  One thing I've heard is to copy/paste
> all the text into a Word document, and use Word's search function. 
> Since that is not really an option for me, WRT to the time it would
> take, I have sought out other sources, and have found some very
> helpful folks who were willing to give me leads.  And I do appreciate
> that.

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