[s-cars] Mystery Oil Leaks and Power Steering system questions

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 28 09:49:06 EST 2006


If case you don't have it, you will want Napa Part # NB-95


Off to purchase Napa #NB-95....the new plug has been sitting on my desk
for a year now and hasn't installed itself yet!!!

--- Brian DeWyngaert Jr <brian.dewyngaert.jr at gmail.com> wrote:

>   I was also reading the 2002 posting concernin the
> sourcing of the part @ NAPA, since i have no chisel to grind i think
> i
> will just wander in to Napa and see how long it really takes the guy
> to look up this part #.
> cheers,
> brian
> 94 S4 NoVa.

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