[s-cars] storing leather seats

audiSean audisean at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 11:14:17 EST 2006

I believe car collectors store their cars with a bag of silica in
them. If it were me, I'd cover the seats with conditioner, wrap them
in an airtight bag and through a bag of silica in there with them. I
wouldn't put them in the attic; I'd put them in the basement.

On 3/30/06, Robert M <porter_t_dog at hotmail.com> wrote:
>   Tough call on the location- I'd probably try and avoid the attic but
> consider that car interiors get damn hot and damn cold.
>   I like the idea of leather preservative, but I'd probably wrap the seats
> in old towels before bagging them.  The leather, the preservative, and the
> bags may all outgas and it'd suck to have a reaction that affected the
> appearance.
>   Try and come up with some way to short the airbag connectors if possible.
> Some of these have a shorting plug built in that gets forced aside when
> connected to the car harness, but it's best to check.
> $0.03,
> Robert
> >From: Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com>
> >Reply-To: lee at wheelman.com
> >To: s-car-list at www.audifans.com, quattro at audifans.com
> >Subject: storing leather seats
> >Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:38:02 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >I found a complete sport leather interior for my '99 A6 and so now
> >I need to store the stock seats (front and rear). I expect at some
> >point to want to put the stock seats back into the car, so I'm
> >going to keep them.
> >
> >I'm not sure the best way to store them long term...it could be
> >several years before they see light of day again. The front seats
> >also have airbags. They're black and the leather is in very good
> >condition.
> >
> >Ideally, I'd store them in my attic, as I have the most usable
> >dead storage space there. But it gets hot there in the summer,
> >perhaps as high as 130 degrees and cold in the winter (below
> >freezing, perhaps to 20 degrees).
> >
> >Is this a safe place to store the seats or should I make some
> >space in a more climate controlled area?
> >
> >Either way, what else should I do to prepare them for storage?
> >Treat them with leather preservative, wrap them in plastic and
> >seal? Put mothballs in? I don't typically have rodent issues, but
> >I'd hate to find them all chewed up 3 years from now.
> >
> >Unfortunately, they're not worth very much on the open market, or
> >I'd just sell them. But pairs of front seats sit on ebay for
> >$200...
> >
> >Thoughts appreciated.
> >
> >Lee
> >'99 A6 quattro avant 135K
> >'96 A6 quattro avant 120K
> >'95 A6 quattro avant 150K (for sale)
> >
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Sean [99 A6 2.8q]

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