[s-cars] need a chuckle?

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon May 1 14:06:54 EDT 2006

For laughs, here's a snapshot for ya of a typical day in the life in my

I headed over to my mom's yesterday and gave the TR3 another crack at
starting for the season after no luck during round 1.  Not even a burp
after 1/2 hr. of off and on trying to jump, finally gave up and figured
I'd leave.  Not without one 'last time' push of the underhood starter
button (so sad I get soooo much use out of that thing!).  My thumb
barely touched the thing and the motor didn't even turn over just
started to run. 


Thing was revving like a champ, so I opted for test drive.  Move der
//S, jump in TR3, test lights. Kills car.  My battery is very toast and
I'd not given enough idle time to handle the load.  I figure it's warmed
up now so it'll pop start it down my mom's long steep hill. Get to
bottom of hill into the flats - dead - no start.  D'oh! I've BTDT before
just like this, walk home, get //S, jump, bring TR3 back, walk back
down, get //S, ya know, normal stuff right?  

Yeah.  Hook up jumpers, hear strange //S noise. 

Is that my fuel pump failing?  It's LOUD.  Oh, wait, yeah, just
remembered my gas light came on earlier, this means running OUT of gas
NOW.  Remove cables spin //S around, sputter to end of mom's road.

Pull out - stall.  Right in middle of road main busy road.  Get out
while it's barely rolling and start jogging it.  If I can just clear the
slight flat/swell, I can coast ~ 2 miles to station @ bottom of hill
down.  Good thing mom lives highest point in town!  People passing by,
laughing.  Believe it or not I made it to Sunoco, running a red light
and all (tough to artfully negotiate while coasting!).  Has to be likely
the 3rd time I've successfully made that 'trip' now!

Back to the TR3, jump, leave //S there and take it for 15 mile blissful
spring dusk run.  Running like a TOP.  Can't wait to do shocks, oh and
buy a new f'n battery.

Figured I'd share if you needed to help your mechanical / luck

-Paul alwayz something K.

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