[s-cars] Audi "Streets of Tomorrow Ride and Drive", or...
Frank Stadmeyer
stadmef at ntplx.net
Mon May 1 21:41:32 EDT 2006
Paul K., Chief Test Driver for Team Door Handle opined:
> pps. Navigation Chic beckoning "HELP" "HELP" "HELP" def. good for,
> um, sidesplitting hilarity
I'm sorry I missed that part, the "Nav Chick" must have been warned
and went for a potty break when it was my turn for a second run. I'm
sure that would have urged me on to a faster run if only to prevent
me from wetting my pants all over the "Premium Leather" interior!
On May 1, 2006, at 4:39 PM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> <pkrasusky at ups.com>
> Frank aptly noted:
> <<<As for the RS4, I tried the smoother is faster approach and my
> first
> run was a low 30 (I didn't have the benefit of the demented cheering
> section in the back seat that the others did). I jumped in with Bob
> and Mike to snag a second set of runs and I'll have to admit that
> VIOLENT Bob and MANIAC Mike were faster. I sort of forgot the point
> for the first 20ft. then I nailed it but I only got a 29 something.
> So INSANITY is good for something.
> Frank>>>
> SEE!!!!!!
> Rossato, the pot calling the pedal black here. He just takes the
> unsuspecting route. Mikey I figured as much but don't let Domo
> Oregato Mr. Rossato fool ya I tell ya...
> -Paul drives on doorhandles as does Bob K.
> ps. demented cheering section def. good for 0.5 seconds
> pps. Navigation Chic beckoning "HELP" "HELP" "HELP" def. good for,
> um, sidesplitting hilarity
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