[s-cars] Audi "Streets of Tomorrow Ride and Drive", or...

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Tue May 2 11:30:41 EDT 2006

In a message dated 5/2/2006 9:04:42 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
t44tqtro at gmail.com writes:

Then  again, what is the point of having a 260hp A3 2.0T quattro when the 3.2 
has that kind of output and the R32/R36 will handily exceed that  power level 
at a much
lower price?

The only consideration would be  that the VW has a horrible dealership 
network and service and the Audi dealers  are only a tiny bit better. I've had every 
local VW dealer try to rip me off.  


On 5/2/06, Steve  Marinello <_smarinello at entouch.net_ 
(mailto:smarinello at entouch.net) >  wrote:  
Does  that line from the marketing guys mean that the 3.2 has a different  gas
tank or does it mean that they don't want to tell the truth that they  only
planned to market the 2.0T quattro in the S3, the power output of  which a 
nice chip upgrade will do to the current FWD cars for under  $600?

I wouldn't classify the Audi dealers much better. Having just worked for a  
dealer recently that had both franchises, I found it totally depends on the  
ownership. Each franchise owner skirts the manufacturer mandates to a greater or 
 lesser degree dependant on their personal character. Personal character in 
the  auto business is lacking to a large extent, and in fact why I am no longer 
a  participant. I was hoping to change things from the inside but that just 
was not  to be.
"When you wrestle with a pig you _both_ get dirty- but the pig doesn't  mind".

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