[s-cars] Mirror glass replacement?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 18:51:54 EDT 2006

And make SURE when you install the new one that it clips all the way
otherwise it can pop off and bang against your door chipping your brand
new paint job!



--- Robert Rossato <r0ssat0_987 at att.net> wrote:

> I would tilt the mirror all the way up, or you might even have to
> remove the plastic access plate at the bottom of the mirror housing,
> so that you can reach in with a small jewelers screwdriver to help
> undo one of the four clips holding on to the mirror.  Once you undo
> one, the mirror will come off very easily.  You could just force it
> by just prying the mirror from the bottom but you run the risk of
> breaking one of those clips, and you don't want to do that.
> Installation is as you described.
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: hoog23 at aol.com
> > Just received replacement mirror glass from vagparts.  
> >  
> > Whats the best way to replace them?  (Read least likely for me to
> break 
> > something.)
> >  
> > From my searching it looks like you pry the old ones first off at
> the bottom and 
> > then the top.  Then (after attaching heating element wires) just
> press on.  Is 
> > this correct?
> >  
> > TIA
> > Dave
> >  
> > PS - Also got e-code lenses but that project is for another day
> (Dave has a 
> > write up somewhere, correct?)
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