[s-cars] G28 engine speed sensor

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue May 9 20:50:59 EDT 2006


Sounds like your CPS sensor has failed,
When the CPS sensor goes bad you can't start the car and 
it won't flash a code.


--- Ronald Whiton <dooksniffer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good eve all,
> Still not starting and this is the only code I am getting.
> 4A0 907 551 C
> 00513 Engine speed sensor (G28)
> No Signal
> I have read many posts in the archives mentioning that this code
> always presents itself when the engine will not fire (for any
> reason).
>   I can't recall ever reading about it here, but has anyone had this
> bugger fail causing a no-start?
> CPS=>NEW (no more code for that)
> ECU=>swapped and works fine
> New plugs and 1.8 conversion (didn't start before conversion either)
> thoughts?
> Ron Whiton
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