[s-cars] S4 Alignment specs

Brian Armstead barmstea at IBB.GOV
Thu May 25 13:38:04 EDT 2006

Thanks Craig!


"lebakken1 at netzero.net" wrote:
> Brian wrote:
> >>I need the alignment specs for my 93 S4.  The cars been lowered,
> 2Bennett plates, 18 inch wheels, konis.
> I've seen them posted here before, and can't ind them after searching
> Audifans.
> I's appreciate some help.<<
> Brian,
> These are the specs I will be using when I do my suspension refurb,
> all of which is waiting for a bent piece of round bar steel for the
> rear. Compliments of Dave Dawson:
> "You're going to get a bunch of different answers to that question.  I
> like:
> -1 camber (with me in the car) 0 toe caster isn't adjustable.
> If you have camber plates, get as much caster as you can to reduce
> tramlining. Chances are good you will not be able to get more than 1.5
> degrees.
> I like 0 toe because due to the way the front is designed, there is a
> fair
> amount of movement... meaning that if set to 0, you will get toe out
> under
> braking, and toe in under acceleration and steady state cruising.  In
> other
> words, you will never get an extreme of either toe out or toe in...
> better tire
> wear.
> I like -1 camber in front because it makes for good turn in response,
> and
> doesn't chew up tires.  Much more, and you'll get edge wear.
> I like a little toe in in the rear to improve high speed straight line
> stability (about 1/16 per side).  I run -.5 camber in the rear also.
> This setup works great for me, but I'm certain you'll get differing
> opinions.
> Dave"
> I thought Dave would chime in on this when I saw the post the first
> time. Dave puts uber miles at above average speeds on his car, and
> therefore I put alot of faith in that these are optimal
> specifications. He also recommends that you be sitting in the car when
> the alignment is being done, otherwise go .9 camber RF, 1.1 LF, which
> to me further validates that these specs are well thought out. I
> believe Dave is running Eibach/Koni, 255/40-17.
> HTH,
> Craig Lebakken
> 94S4

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