[s-cars] Movie night in Eastern MA, German Car Day in Boston

Brett Dikeman quattro at frank.mercea.net
Wed May 31 15:39:20 EDT 2006

First off...I know a bunch of folks go to German Car day each year at  
the Larz Anderson car museum in Boston.  This year, the North  
Atlantic ACNA chapter is headed there as well.  If you put your car  
on display, both driver and passenger get in for free, and you get a  
goody bag.  We have 5 UrQ's confirmed coming too!  What better way to  
spend father's day than ogling German cars with the kids? :-)

Signup is here:

If you're bringing an Audi or something in the Auto Union family,  
we'd really appreciate it if you bought your tickets through us.  I - 
think- the club has corral parking for everyone who does...

You can also RSVP (for free) for the monthly dinner which will be at  
Bertucci's in Chestnut Hill and join us there, regardless of whether  
you're coming to GCD.

Second part!

Mike Kelley (Murphy'sSidekic on Audiworld) and I are working on a new  
club event for the North Atlantic chapter- Movie Night!  The general  
idea is to hang out, talk Audis/cars, and watch some classic car  
films.  Stuff like Lemans, Bullit, Ronin, the original versions of  
Gone in Sixty Seconds and The Italian Job...you get the idea!

Mike's apartment complex has a nice A/V room with a big screen, comfy  
seats, and there is plenty of parking.  It's right in Waltham, pretty  
easy to get to from 128.  Moody Street and all its restaurants are a  
few minutes away.

Before we get too far in, we're posting/emailing the various boards  
to see what kind of interest there is.  The June/July calendar looks  
pretty busy, but opens up end of June and July.  So!

-What do people think about the idea in general?

-Interested in coming? (not quite RSVP, but it'll help gauge interest).
	-If you are interested in coming, which is better for -you-; end of  
June versus end of July?
	-If you are interested in coming, which is better for -you-: weekend  
vs. weekday night?
	-Any other movie suggestions?

As you may have noticed, the North Atlantic chapter is ramping up its  
calendar, doing a lot of different activities.  We can do even more-  
if you'd like to help out, come to one of the events, monthly dinners  
or board meetings!


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