[s-cars] Big Red part number quest.

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Wed Nov 1 10:00:21 EST 2006

I have an order coming in from VAG soon if anyone wants to throw some 
bolts in with it - no charge.

Contact Martyn and tell him to put the bolts with Dave Kase's RS2 
mirrors and let me know.

David Kase
Engineering Manager
PDQ Industries
717-656-8749 (f)

Eric Phillips wrote:

>Thanks, Tony!
>For the record, and anyone who is new to the list:
>Europrice doesn't do C4 stuff much anymore, unless it's a big order,
>or big parts.  They don't list our cars on their website any longer.
>So getting those Euro bolts is going to be something that one must do
>from vagparts.com in Britain.
>Crescent is now Bensco, IIRC - ISTR calling them and learning of the
>name change.  And yes, you can buy those caliper->bracket bolts at the
>time you buy the calipers - they are Porsche parts.
>On 10/31/06, Tony Curran <tony.curran at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>Curtesy of another lister, I have a spreadsheet of all parts;
>>caliper to bracket bolts:  999.067.041.09 - Crecent City Porsche
>>bracket to strut bolt M12x1.25x25mm:  N 100 880 03 - Europrice
>>96 S6
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>>[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Eric Phillips
>>Sent: October 31, 2006 6:53 PM
>>To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>>Subject: [s-cars] Big Red part number quest.
>>I have been searching archives for part numbers, and have got nothing for
>>the *stock* caliper -> hub bolts.  I had these guys cut down from 35mm to
>>25mm, and instead of trying to find the proper Euro-only bolts on the
>>vagparts website, I was going to recommend just cutting down stock bolts.
>>Anyone got a clue, here?
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