[s-cars] NAC - Benz Diesel

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Nov 1 23:05:51 EST 2006


Visit www.striplin.net. There's a link to a number of mailing 
lists that focus on diesels and older Benzes. Start on 
digest...they can be pretty talkative over there, and most of the 
chatter is not directly car related. A good bunch, very 
knowledgeable and willing to help. Lurk for a while and get the 
lay of the land (if of course, Pizo hasn't already gotten her!).

Good luck with the smoker. Have you driven it? The older Benzes 
are quite different than the Audis...very soft and somewhat 
agricultural inside. I had a '93 300D 2.5l turbodiesel and never 
felt at home in it. Couldn't beat the 35 mpg...that diesel engine 
loved throttle and *never* delivered below 30 mpg even in the 

But it just wasn't the car I wanted to be driving, and it sucked 
awfully in the snow.


On Wed Nov 01 13:46:13 PST 2006, A Tay <atay at cox.net> wrote:

>  NAC but here goes - I am considering the purchase of a 83 300SD 
> Mercedes with the 5 cyl turbo
> diesel.
> The car is in exceptional shape with 135K on the clock.
> Seems to be having problems with the heater controls ect.
> Anybody know who to talk to or where to learn more on how to 
> properly buy
> one of these cars?
> So far my web searches have not found any source nearly as good 
> as this Audi
> list for Benz's.
> Thanks
> Aaron
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