[s-cars] X-Plug >>> help needed

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Nov 9 08:43:55 EST 2006


Need quick help for a friend in a bind, cc'd above as he's not on the
List.  Was helping him replace leaking X-Plug last night and had turned
away briefly as he removed the plug and the !@#$%^& spring inside shot
out of sight.  I tried a small spring I had laying around but it didn't
work I guess as now his brakes are rock hard.  Poor bastard, should have
paid better attention but whattayagonnado.

So my Q to you all is anyone here have junk pump laying around they
could send me the spring from?  I'm doubting this is something available
anywhere, he said he called the Stealer today and no surprise they don't
have it.  

Under the plug is also some sort of 'plunger' pin - for lack of better
term.  Luckily I did find that for him - I assume this orients "T" vs.
upside down?  Is there any other tiny part under there that is also

Any advise appreciated.  I feel bad for the poor bastard, I didn't think
to warn him of shooting innards so it's sort of my fault I feel.


-Paul with his own leaks to contend with K.

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