[s-cars] Enquiry from 034Motorsport

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 11 13:41:35 EST 2006

 My last mail to the list was an update as to the
status of the GB. Stating that I talked to Javad & he
said he would do $190 shipped....but I didn't mention
that there still needed to be a sertain # of listers
interested. As I stated in my original post about a GB
& who we could go through
 Javad at 034MS said he'd be interested in selling at
a 5-10 person discount of 10%..& for over that he
would discount 15% from his standard $225 price.
 Then I asked if anyone had an "IN" with Vag parts
cause I know they ship parts here for others. So Dave
Kase inquired with the previousley post price of round
$170 shipped to you from a single person in the
US..which prolly entailed a wait of 2 weeks to ship
from Vag to that 1 person in the US..then an
additional wait of 1 week to ship to your door. So
agin I told Javad what Dave said about the Vag price &
asked if he could kinda match Vag's price cause to be
honest saving $20'ish dollars wasn't a concern to
me..speed was & that I didn't want to wait. & Javad
could ship out sooner.

 Now I have 4 people out of the list of 15 people who
said they were in before I talked to Javad. So I
suppose the rest..or others are waiting for a total
price quote from Dave from his guy at Vag.

 I'm sorry for any confusion by me not mentioning that
I was still waiting for others to figure out what they
wanted to do. & that there still needed to be a
sertain # to get that price.
Aftyer re-reading my post it does sound like you could
just get in touch with Javad & start ordering.

 So to the other listers who are..were interested in
the Rs2 brackets speak up. Javad is being flexable
with the # of people & the price he quoted is a good
 So are the rest of you waiting to see about the
additional tax thing that was being discussed??



--- Javad Shadzi <javad at 034motorsport.com> wrote:

> Hello Randy, sounds great, the agreement with Ron
> was that there would be at
> least 10-15 buyers.  Other than Ron, you're the
> first to contact me, so we
> have a little ways to go in the interest dept.
> I'll put your name on a list, frankly, even if we
> can get 5-10 people I'll
> be happy to honor the price, we just need more than
> one or two.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Javad Shadzi
> 034Motorsport
> www.034motorsport.com
> (408) 910-5289 - Cell
> (510) 657-6707 - Shop
> ** Please include all previous correspondence in
> replies so that we can best
> and most quickly respond to your request - Thanks!
> **
> On 11/11/06 7:13 AM, "Randy McCall"
> <rmccall at nexant.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Javad,
> > 
> > Ron Wainwright from the S-Cars list had contacted
> you about putting together a
> > group buy for RS2 caliper brackets for big brake
> upgrades on S4/S6. His last
> > post to the list said...."$190 shipped to whoever
> from 034MS!"...
> > 
> > His post went on to say that those interested
> should contact you and arrange
> > for paypal payment, address info, etc.
> > 
> > I would like to get in on that deal if possible.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Randy McCall
> > 95.5 S6 Avant
> > 

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