[s-cars] Help: driver side window wind noise...

McCall, Randy rmccall at nexant.com
Mon Nov 13 14:55:44 EST 2006


Hinges are not worn (this is the front passenger door, 109K miles), body
is straight with the exception of this door, but the door shell is most
definitely a bit out of alignment; probably 1/8-3/16" out at top corner
of door shell, and maybe 1/8" in at the bottom. Who knows if some body
work has been done prior to me...PO didn't provide a lot of promised
info and parts.  The bentley says loosen the hinge bolts (which of the
two sets of hinge bolts?) but its still not real clear to me how that
would allow me align the door shell.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris chambers [mailto:fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 11:41 AM
> To: McCall, Randy; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Help: driver side window wind noise...
> Randy,
> the shim only adjusts the window frame, not the door frame.
> I believe the only way to adjust the actual door frame itself 
> is by loosening the bolts and moving the hinges, I personally 
> haven't tried this.
> It seems to me that unless the hinges are worn, or the car 
> has had body work, that the door frame shouldn't be out of alignment.
> Chris
> --- "McCall, Randy" <rmccall at nexant.com> wrote:
> > I was just puzzling over how to get this job done yesterday on my 
> > front passenger door for my 95.5 Avant. But in this case the actual 
> > door skin contour does not quite line up correctly with the 
> read door 
> > leading edge (the front seems to be ok though), AND the 
> window carrier 
> > isn't quite right; the top horizontal line of the door lines up ok, 
> > but the the top half of the door skin protrudes out, while 
> the bottom 
> > rear door is somewhat in relative to the rear door leading 
> edge - its 
> > as if the door is slightly rotated on a longitudinal axis.  
> I read the 
> > procedures Chris mentioned below for adjusting the window 
> carrier as 
> > that task also needs to be done, but Bentley says that 
> first the door 
> > skin needs to match the contour correctly.
> >  
> > Chris, are you suggesting that the shim will also influence 
> the door 
> > skin tilt, and not just the window carrier?  I'm just a bit 
> confused 
> > with the Bentley info and hoping for a BTDT bit of advice 
> on the door 
> > skin adjustment...
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > -Randy
> > '95.5 S6-Avant
> > '91 200 20V Avant
> > '01 allroad (wifes car)
> > 


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