[s-cars] Auto Check System & door/lights chime

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Thu Nov 16 12:26:46 EST 2006

Lately I've noticed the beep for my Auto Check system is no longer, well, beeping.  Though it has come back a couple of times.  And while I haven't noticed it before, apparently the lights on/key in/radio on warning chime also seems to have taken a sabbatical.  This came to my attention yesterday when got out of work late and was welcomed by a dead battery, as I apparently left the lights on in the morning.

I thought maybe I hadn't paid attention to the lights-on chime that morning, but I confirmed this morning that it is not working at all.

Before I start digging into, does anyone have any BTDT on this?  I would not have thought that the two systems were tied together but it sure seems like it.  Or it's just a weird coincidence.

Oh, and on the dead battery front, does it make sense that you can not manually pull up on the door locks for the rear doors?  While I was waiting for someone from security to come over and give my car a jump I figured I'd start getting the rear seat undone in case the jumper cables they had were too large to fit into the recess for the positive terminal by the stress bar.  I could not open the rear doors no matter what I tried. 


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