[s-cars] [Audi5TurboTech] Re://S4cylinder, almost again!

audijim at comcast.net audijim at comcast.net
Sun Nov 19 17:11:50 EST 2006

I torque everything. The AAN plugs have a tendency to "creep" away from torque specs after multiple heat cycles. So I occasionally (read, every other time I have the hood open) I pull the coil packs and check the plug torque. I plan on replacing all 5 plugs this week. I do not trust them anymore. I would love to hear from someone who is using an alternative plug with great results.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "colin cohen" <ccohen5 at compuserve.com>
> Jim:
> Do you torque the plugs to spec?  This was a problem with the KW engines when 
> they were doing their trials in the Black Forest and discovered that the problem 
> went away if they kept the torque within a narrow band.
> Colin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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