[s-cars] Those who would be Sellers....

Gene Temkin Moemmo at Cox.net
Wed Nov 22 23:14:34 EST 2006

Last Ski season I took my 94 S4 up to the slopes...till a snow plow took off the front bumper all was well.... Now a little history: I bought the car about two years ago, sight unseen, although a "reputable shop" referred by Quattro list ppl, gave me a local shop [Atlanta] to give it the full inspection... 

Anyway, 7K for the car delivered and after a complete assessment of all the shortcomings and several thousand dollars and many hours later, I finally realized and came to appreciate what all the hoopla was about. For the past 30 years I have driven in a "spirited" manner and was pleased to have a "family" car which fulfilled all needs. 

After the snow plow incident, the Insurance co. and I danced pretty good about the value of the car. Finally, after many a tango; they offered 8200 and a clean title with possession or 14K and I walk...

This leads me to the topic of the times which is to sell or not?  There are so many factors as to each argument that I am hard pressed to say what is right for anyone but me.  However and in this case: I DID NOT SELL,I kept the car! and managed to save enough on the fix to truly FIX the car....Four corners drilled and cryo treated rotors with lines and 993tt fronts [custom hats], Stromung 3" exhaust, 034 FMIC, and a complete repaint..... cause I know ppl.....

I should have the car back in my hands first of next month and will be happy to show it off......somewhere? 

Happy Thanksgiving to all

ExGT2 Gene'o

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