[s-cars] Sorry to see it go...S6 Avant FS

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Nov 28 10:53:18 EST 2006

Knew it knew it knew it which was why I had to shame you.  Do yourself a
flavor and get some hi rez shots of it looking like it DOES and then let
the critics eat crow.  You dork!

AW - say no more.  The D2 forum does contain some fine gentlemen, some
foolz (Baloney / meself / Edweirdo / Super Keith) and is a wealth of
info so that much is good.  Little dry at times and needs some
peppering, I do my damnest of course...
And, ODD, go figure there are THREE cashmere / black Avants, 2 in MD and
yours in NY.  The //SFest one from Len's was lowered with DIFFERENT
Borbet's (6 spoke) or some better named wheel maybe.  Just purty.


From: Young, Steve [mailto:sryoung at trane.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:21 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); 's-car-list at audifans.com'
Subject: RE: Sorry to see it go...S6 Avant FS

Okay Paul, you've shamed me into it.  You are correct about the pics.
The day I bought it at Brian's old shop.  I'll get up some new pics this
weekend.  For giggles, look at the crap comments I'm dealing with from
the toolz over on AW.



Steven Young

Local Operations Manager

Albany Office



From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:05 AM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com; Young, Steve
Subject: RE: Sorry to see it go...S6 Avant FS

Steve needed some clarification oh yes:

<<<Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 20:04:53 -0600 
From: "Young, Steve" <sryoung at trane.com> 
Subject: [s-cars] Sorry to see it go...S6 Avant FS 


Steven Young>>>

Steve o Steve o STEVE- 

My friend - your gorgeous Avant deserves better Beauty Shots than those
and I cannot let it go.  Folkz - this car was @ //SFest 2005 and myohmy
is it just ohsopretty - disregard Steve's pathetic pics of the carpet
filled with 2lbs of CT's finest brown roadsand and the cobblejob rear
badging / stickers.  Just does it noooo justice.

The LF shot of that car speaks volumes to what that car is in person.
Gorgeous.  There was another Cashmere / black Avant @ //SFest this
summer, Len from MD if I'm right, great dude...  and agree with Uncle
Pastore's quote it was the purtiest car there (maybe that's the one I
see being inquired about being FS in a few posts after this one? - if so
- car was CLEAN - TIGHT - SEXY).  

How many of that combo can really exist?  Crazycool. 


Anyone who saw Steve's pearl '94 @ //SFest this summer knows the build
quality and manner in which Steve maintains his fleet.  Stunning comes
to mind.  The Avant's near stock but maintained by a true nutcase.  Er,
um, uh have you seen the man's barn???

My thought is Steve had these shots from the day he BOUGHT IT (that's
Brian's EH shop here in CT - Steve got it from Brian, who incidentally
sold me, Rich A., and a number of other's here their UrS's and they're
always awesome carz).  You musta rushed to get the ad out with the only
pics you had of it.  

Right Steve?  (slaps forehead - or - better yet - will slap for you Fri.
night @ Platt's Gathering of Foolz in NH - see a few of you here there
muwhahaha pardon).

Some finefine cars gone across the market these last few months (mine
the least such) >>> Mullane's (idiot), Maddock's Avant (schwing!), etc.
Time passes on.  Hear "he's neither a Manny nor a Sanchez" is pondering
//S8 purchase vs. '02 //S6 for wifely 325ix replacement
bwwhahaahahahaaaa.  I digress...

-Paul helpin a brutha out then ramblin like a fool K. 

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