[s-cars] Fuel Line Recall in NorCal

Mike Claire mike.claire at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 22:49:07 EDT 2006

I had my recall done about a year ago.  Don't forget to have them fill the
gas tank, and wash the car for you!   I remember it was right there in
writing, in Audi's instructions to the stealer.  I'm not kidding.


On 9/7/06, Brian Powell <powellb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Group,
> Two questions, one for the list, the second for those in Northern
> California:
> I recently received a recall letter for my 97 S6 regarding the fuel
> line recall (strange, since when I purchased it a few years ago, I
> called Audi NA, gave them the VIN and they said there were no
> outstanding recalls--bastards).
> 1) How many hours of service does Audi pay to the dealer for the recall?
> 2) In Northern California, where is the best dealer who knows these
> cars and can handle the fuel line job? I am in Santa Cruz, so the
> nearest dealers are in Monterey or San Jose. I would prefer to wait
> for the car (depending on the answer to 1) since I will have ~1 hour
> drive each way.
> Cheers,
> Brian
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