[s-cars] ABS Problem

Dan Slagle dslagle at boardmanpark.com
Fri Sep 8 09:35:39 EDT 2006

Dear S-Car Listeners:  My ABS and Brake light has been on for a couple
of weeks.  Prior to this, it was intermittent, i.e. come on for a day,
and then go off, with the brake light coming on at the same time.  I
recently had the Driver's Outer CV Joint and the Boot on the Passenger
Side replaced.  I had a mechanic inspect the sensors this AM, and they
are not loose. He connected his laptop to the car, and the On Board
Diagnostic VAG reading - Code 00301 - "ABS return flow intermittent" The
mechanic said that the ABS control unit needs to be replaced.  I asked
about a dirty or malfunctioning sensor, and he said that there would be
a fault code if it was a sensor problem {thinking that perhaps the CV
Joint replacement had something to do with this problem}. He also claims
that you can not remove a sensor to inspect it, without destroying it. 

Today, I called Shokan looking for a Control unit, and they said that
based on their experience, it is not the problem.  Every unit they have
sold, the customer has come back asking to return it, because it is not
the problem.  I am looking for any BTDT.  Thanks in advance for your

1995.5 S6


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