[s-cars] Ur//S4 Emblems, my solution

audijim at comcast.net audijim at comcast.net
Fri Sep 8 17:23:46 EDT 2006

I have a fix for those that have Ur//S4 with faded front and rear "S4" emblems. My S4 has a front emblem that was very faded. I believe there are two different styles of front emblems on the Ur//S4's. They are identical as far as how they look, but the mounting is different. It will either have two spring clamps that hold the emblem to one of the fins on the grill, or it will have two threaded rods that go through the grill and through a backing plate on the back of the grill and are held with two washers and nuts. I had the later type on my //S4. I have a sun faded //S6 front emblem and I used that for my mounting. The //S6 hood and grill are different from the //S4's, so some modifying of the mount needs to be addressed. The fins on the //S6 grill are at a different angle than the //S4. Take the //S6 emblem and drill the back side where the front emblem comes through the mount. The 2000 S4's rear emblems are the same as the Ur//S4 in every way except they are plastic. I will be u
sing a rear 2000 S4 emblem on the front of my Ur//S4. After you have drilled the plastic from the S6 front emblem from the back side of the mount, remove the S6 emblem. Modify the mount as seen in the pictures. Clean the surface and mount the new S4 emblem with the self adhesive on the back of the new emblem. The rear emblem will look good, but is not in the same area as the original. The original S4 emblems are convex and fit on the curve at the bottom part of the trunk lid. The new emblems are flat and will have to be mounted just above the curve. Pictures can be seen here:


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