[s-cars] checking out a car in Pittsford, NY

Steve Marinello smarinello at entouch.net
Fri Sep 8 18:07:17 EDT 2006

Anyone close to Sutherland Auto in Pittsford, NY and have a little time on your hands?  I'm considering an A4 2.0 quattro that they had on ebay and tossed in a relatively low bid to put it on my list of considered items...and lost.  But I got a Second Chance Offer at my bidding price.  I'd really appreciate it if someone nearby had a bit of free time tomorrow to check it out.  It's listed as a 2006.5 S-line model; 24k on it BUT it is a Customer Loyalty Buyback vehicle, so....  The black and black isn't ideal for Houston, either, but it would be replacing the black/ecru S6.  

The address is:

Sutherland Service Center

9 Monroe Avenue 3830 Monroe Avenue - Pittsford, NY 14534

Funny thing is I got another Second Chance Offer on a GTI with under 6k on it a few hours later....  Not close to Houston either; Gresham, Oregon.  

My son is a few months away from a driving permit, so I figure this one may be his in a couple of years.



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