[s-cars] Sunroof help
larrycleung at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 21:23:49 EDT 2006
Did you remove or have a failing batttery?
If so, you may need to re-synchronize the sunroof.
Turn off car.
Remove the sunroof control panel from the roof CAREFULLY (those
tabs that hold it in place (the rearmost ones) are easily broken.
Make certain that the control knob is set to the sunroof closed
Crank the sunroof closed with the enclosed crank tool (looks like
a double ended 5 mm allen wrench. Look for the matching socket
at the axle of the sunroof motor. You must puch up while turning
to engage the crank.)
Get in car and close the door. Turn on car. Check sunroof operation
with the car on.
On 9/16/06, Aaron Ryba <aaronryba at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know where the Power window/sunroof
> control module "J139" is located in a 95 S6?
> I am trying to troubleshoot a malfunctioning sunroof
> and I can't find it in the Bentley CD repair manual
> (wiring diags not displaying properly).
> Additionally, has anyone experienced sunroof failure?
> My operation control just sends the roof into a little
> dance of it opening 1/4 way then closing and poping
> up, repeat. Do the sunroof control modules go often or
> is it the main control module J139 that is prone to
> fail?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Aaron Ryba
> 95 S6
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