[s-cars] nipples

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 17 05:10:07 EDT 2006

wow, that's a big turbo.  shiny, too.  :)

i notice you have a custom exhaust header that puts the turbo where the
airbox used to be.  i also noticed your oil drain line looks like -8 or
maybe -10 hose, but it doesn't seem big enough to be -12.

i may end up going with chris's suggestion of teeing into the samco 2-piece
hose, because that's what i have, too.  saves me the trouble of drilling
and tapping the turbo, especially since i don't have a 1/8 pipe tap.

thanks for all the suggestions.


--- CaptMagu at aol.com wrote:

> Teddy
> Here's a pic of the one on my GT 35R. Like Dave Dawson said, anywhere on the 
> scroll.
> Hap, wit dakine scroll shot not from Evahboost, Maguire

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