[s-cars] HID kits... Same seller as last December

James Shackelford 93urs4 at rovershack.com
Fri Sep 29 19:30:39 EDT 2006

What he sent me.  Last year was the same, no link, just paypal.







From: Andy Chiu [mailto:anchiu35 at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 10:31 PM
To: James Shackelford
Subject: Re: HIDs


Please send the payment to paypal address anchiu35 at hotmail.com (No credit
card payment, only instant transfer or echeck)

$195 for 4300K or 5300K or 3000K
$203 for 6000K (factory strongly recommended)
$208 for 8000K

Please send payment to paypal address hidseller at hotmail.com   (By credit
card payment)

$202 for 4300K or 5300K or 3000K (including paypal's fee)
$210 for 6000K (including paypal's fee) (factory strongly recommended)
$215 for 8000K (including paypal's fee)


Colore refrerence

3000K Super Yellow

4300K or 5300K Warm white

6000K Pure white

8000K Blue white




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