[s-cars] The undead brake sensor

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sun Apr 1 12:34:10 EDT 2007

A short piece of this stuff will solve your problem:

Just put it over the offending display. 



> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Marc Gorelick
> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:32 PM
> To: S-cars mailing list
> Subject: [s-cars] The undead brake sensor
> Hi all,
> Recently my car ('93 //S4, 183k miles) started giving me a 
> brake warning indicator on my dashboard. This is the one on 
> the "computer" display, not the red idiot light. I figured it 
> was either worn brakes (10%
> likely) or flaky Audi electronics (90% likely).
> My brakes are fine. So, I figured it must be a problem with 
> the sensor. 
> Upon further examination, a previous owner had disabled the 
> sensor, and their jumper had corroded to the point where it 
> broke. Okay, no problem, 
> I figured...I'll just re-do the jumper and all will be well.   Not so 
> easy, as it turns out...after doing this, the warning didn't go away. 
> Fine, I thought...I'll just trace the wire further back and 
> short the sensor further "upstream."  After tracing the wire 
> through the engine compartment, I found a connector near the 
> coolant overflow bottle and jumpered there. HA! Still no 
> luck, the light will not go away.
> So, where does this blasted sensor originate? I'll pull the 
> instrument cluster and jumper the damnable thing at the 
> source if I have to, I just want the light to go out. Do I 
> have to clear this with a VAG-COM, or am I just not going far 
> enough back in the circuit to get around wherever the broken wire is?
> Thanks for any advice!
> Marc
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