[s-cars] NAC: hard drive crash

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 2 21:28:38 EDT 2007


Sorry to hear your problem, there are a couple possible solutions,
depending on why your drive failed.

If the controller failed you can purchase another drive exactly like
the one that failed and swap the controller over.

If the operating system won't boot due to the 0 sector being corrupt,
or the master boot record being bad you can work through this in a
couple ways. If you are replacing the hard drive install the O/S on
the new drive and put the old one in as a slave drive.

Now if the computer in question is a laptop you have a couple choices:
A. Purchase an external USB drive case to put the drive in, then you
read the drive if it's readable.

B. Leave the drive installed in the laptop and download UBCD4Win from
here: http://www.ubcd4win.com/ it's a Windows XP bootable CD that boots
up into a windows enviroment and should allow you to explore the drive.
This option is also usable with a desktop system.

If the drive is totally unreadable by these methods then it would get
much more expensive to save any data from the drive.


--- pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

> Sorry for the WOB, I just got the fun chance to have my hard drive
> crash
> here.  Lost ***everything***, suchsuch great news.
> My IT guy here says I'm f'd, but thought I'd ask yous heres if anyone
> has any insight on it for me.  60gb IBM.
> Let me know of any suggestions.  Just totally sucks.  If all of yous
> who
> I'm in ever in contact with would kindly FLOOD me inbox with an email
> that would be great, gotta start rebuilding.  
> Still a bit speechless about this one.  Man.
> -Paul too many eggs in one basket K.
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