[s-cars] LAF Weakend JNR report - E60 ///M5

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 17:07:16 EDT 2007

Nah, never had my doors blown off by an E60 M5.

It's not really all that surprising with the M5, but when a S600 blows your
doors off, it's
more surprising- it makes no noise, coming or going, just flies by like a

I've also had my doors blown off by a 288GTO- now that is all sound and
fury. :-)

The most surprising cars that I've been smoked by are Mustangs,
unfortunately. I've had
a Fox body blow past me like it's nothing on several occasions (they really
have serious speed
potential) and I've had a New Edge '01 Cobra dust me 90-150+. 8-O

That's where I need a 57S- let the Cobra driver think he's doing something,
then drop the hammer
and show him taillights like he's got nothing. :-)


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