[s-cars] NAC: //Servers

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Tue Apr 3 17:56:31 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA256

What he said. With some options...

You can put all your eggs in one basket, and Marc did a great job of  
outlining a pretty compelling story, but there are some fairly  
interesting technologies coming along that allow deconstructing the  
traditional //Server. A prime example is storage. One could put some  
sort of storage toaster on one's home network, of whatever size and  
redundancy their wallet or Icarus factor dictate, then get an el- 
cheapo pc (small letters on purpose) to do all the application  
serving needed.

Network storage can be had in some pretty big capacities for fairly  
short money, or Really Big capacities with Really Robust redundancy  
for less than a gen-u-wine RS2 turbo. With storage solved, one could  
get a cheap, high performance Dell or Apple processor with minimal  
disk, lots of memory and a high speed network card, and have the  
ability to upgrade independently, as technology and the Lottery /  
Dept of the Treasury allow. For that matter, why not get a couple of  
these cheap application servers, put the utility applications on one  
(DHCP, DNS, ftp, whatever), and the business critical ones  
(QuickBooks Server, mail server, calendar server, etc.) on the other.  
These application servers could each use whatever operating system is  
most appropriate for their intended use, Windows Server 2003 on the  
one for QuickBooks, and Linux or OS X on the utility one. Just beware  
of the point of diminishing returns. After all, if we're not playing  
with technology, we're not having fun, right?

Just thinking aloud, now back to your regularly programmed RS6 or S8  
land jet channel...

- -Ian Duff.

On  03 Apr 2007, at 17:19, Marc Gorelick wrote:

> Hi all,
> If there is one thing I can make educated comments about, it is server
> operating systems. I know this isn't the forum, yada yada, but since
> there seems to be a bit of interest I'd like to add my USD$.02 to the
> thread. In fact this will be kinda long, maybe it's a nickel's  
> worth. :-)

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