[s-cars] Will the engine/trans drop out easily

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Sun Apr 8 15:56:00 EDT 2007

I just dropped the engine/transmission/subframe/suspension out of a 
Subaru that way.  I think it would generally be the easiest way with 
longitudinal engines.  The Subaru's flat engine made it a lot easier 
though...I didn't have to raise the front of the car all that much.  
With the Audi's engine being much taller, you might need a lift to raise 
the car high enough off of it.  The really limiting factor on the Subaru 
was the height of the struts, which I think are less of an issue in an 
Audi, since the driveshafts unbolt from a flange...the suspension 
doesn't have to come apart to disconnect the axles.  If you don't have 
access to a lift, I'd strongly consider pulling the bumper, radiator, et 
cetera out and pulling the engine out the front of the car.  I think 
going up through the hood area's just silly though.


chris chambers wrote:
> Gentz,
> Will the engine/trans drop out easily from the bottom 
> with the subframe?
> Searched but haven't found any write-ups on dropping
> out both the engine/trans, is it easiest to do them
> both at the same time?
> Any and all information appreciatted!
> Thanks
> Chris
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