[s-cars] BAM!

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 13:11:26 EDT 2007

That's where design and visual illusion enter in the equation.

In fact, the S8 D2 is 6" wider, almost 8" longer and 2" lower than the new
M5, so it _should_ look bigger, especially as it's lower. Apparently not
when put side to side, but I agree with you Taka, looking at a 5 series,
then at a S8 D2, I'm also under the impression you can fit two 5s in the S8.

On a side note, surprisingly the new S8 is 4.5" less wide than the D2, and
than the new S6 too.

Vincent kind of bored at work so digging for useless numbers F.

2007/4/12, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com>:
> It's not as wide is it?
> I see E60 5 series on the road all the time and they don't look
> particularly
> large. I think they're a fair bit smaller than the C6 A6, which is about
> as
> long as a SWB A8 (D3) but narrower.
> The D3 A8 is pretty wide. From what I can remember, D2s are pretty wide,
> too.
> Taka
> On 4/12/07, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> >
> > Dooood...  TOTALLY!!!!  A perspective better seen in this one a bit
> > further back http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/86747/s8__m5_rear_2.jpg
> > really.  It f'n DWARFS my f'n car!!!
> >
> > That was (part of) the source of all my "WTF" about it during my write
> > up.  It's farquing HUMONGOUS - and one of the veryfew cars that can make
> > a D2 look downright small.  Like an A4 almost.
> >
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