[s-cars] Colin McRae Top Gear test drive of Prodrive 911RSR vs.2004 WRX S...

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Fri Apr 13 11:04:09 EDT 2007

Great audi trivia Mike!  Somewhere I have picture of that effort,  buried 
with the pic off Gene Henderson running a dodge dart at Monte  Carlo....
Freddy is a great guy, and one of the quattro founding musketeers back in  
the day.  I also might add his wife was quite the accomplished  rallyist  
herself, before anyone heard of Michele Mouton and Fabrizia  Ponds.
I met him at Road America several years ago, when he was running the wet  
slolom course for QC. More than a few students were having problems doing  the 
big roundabout he coned out in the parking lot, so he grabbed a  students car, 
and said "Pay attention."  He then proceeded to full  throttle slide the A4q 
around with the nose right on the inside of the cones for  2 roundabouts.  This 
torsen-boy was most impressed by that  demonstration...
As my Polish Rally driver (former Group A S2 owner, now 'gragituated' to a  
pizzobox) likes to say "Those rally guyz, they crazie!"
In a message dated 4/13/2007 8:07:40 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
mlped at qwest.net writes:
Got the wonderful opportunity to spend 4 days with  Freddy Kottulinsky a
couple of weeks ago in Arjeplog.
Say, that  Paris/Dakar thing can't be all that tough a race  :-)  Freddy  says
he won it in something like a VW Iltis back in the 80's.  Just kept  putting
along 23 days, something like @ 116 vehicles entered (in the car  class), 51
finishers .... cleaned Porsche's clocks  :-)   

(Actually, I don't even know if Porsche had an entry in that  particular
1979-80 Paris/Dakar, but 
VW had Freddy, and the something like  @115bhp Iltis!)

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